In all my years as a Philadelphia library member I have never returned a book late, had any penalties or fees, and have never failed to respond to any communications from the same.
Yet, yesterday, 02/12/09, I was checked for current phone and address, like a spot check, and was denied a book checkout. I wonder if this was a general measure being taken on this day or was I singled out for whatever reason. I presented rent receipts of current address which were not accepted and they did the best they could to deny me any further services. I returned later with a hand written legal rental contract which was questioned but accepted. And the expression on the faces was that of disappointment on a failed attempt to suspend or terminate my library services.
I guess or suspect that either, they want to prevent me from posting to this blog and/or prevent furthering my photography knowledge or both.
It reminds me of an incident last year at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, where upon checking out a rare photography publication by one of the old masters, who happens to be Jewish and whom I admire very much, the clerk lashes out at me with the following comment: "He's Jewish!", like if I had some kind of problem with Jewish people and I shouldn't be reading, referencing and/or gaining knowledge by Jewish authors.
The thing is, I didn't know this individual from Jack and I was bewildered by his comment, but apparently he knew about me. This incident occurred after being in Albuquerque, NM for about three weeks. And, I will eventually be posting about my experience there and how it relates to this whole situation.
Anyway, here I am posting. And, now I'm tired of all this BS and am going to "Spill the Beans", as they say, and will be posting everyday to tell my story. I have tried to be conciliatory to no avail.