"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy...";
You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155.
In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel
PS: Funny how they removed this post from the article and comments it connects to! I wonder where the pressure came from? Earlier in the day it was at the top of the list, now it's gone.
“Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She said ‘You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel.”
Jews in Congress
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.)
Carl Levin (D-Mich.)
Al Franken (D-Minn.)
Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)
Arlen Specter (R-Pa.)
Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.)
Herb Kohl (D-Wisc.)
Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD)
Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
Jews in the House of Representatives
Howard Berman (D-Calif.)
Susan Davis (D-Calif.)
Bob Filner (D-Calif.)
Jane Harman (D-Calif.)
Jackie Speier (D-Calif.)
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)
Brad Sherman (D-Calif.)
Howard Waxman (D-Calif.)
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla.)
Robert Wexler (D-Fla.)
Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.)
Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)
Ben Cardin (D-Md.)
Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
Sander Levin (D-Mich.)
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.)
Steve Rothman (D-N.J.)
Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.)
Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.)
Steve Israel (D-N.Y.)
Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.)
Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.)
Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)
Martin Frost (D-Texas)
Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
Bernard (Barney) Sanders (Ind-Vt.)
Stephen Cohen (D-NH)
Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)
Paul Hodes (D-NH)
Steve Kagen (D-WI)
Ronald Klein (D-FL)
John Yarmuth (D-KY).
Jews in Bush's administration
Richard Perle
Paul Wolfowitz
Douglas Feith
Edward Luttwak
Henry Kissinger
Dov Zakheim
Kenneth Adelman
I. Lewis Libby
Robert Satloff
Elliott Abrams
Marc Grossman
Richard Haass
Robert Zoellick
Ari Fleischer
James Schlesinger
David Frum
Joshua Bolten
John Bolton
David Wurmser
Eliot Cohen
Mel Sembler
Michael Chertoff
Steve Goldsmith
Adam Goldman
Joseph Gildenhorn
Christopher Gersten
Mark Weinberger
Samuel Bodman
Bonnie Cohn
Ruth Davis
Daniel Kurtzer
Cliff Sobel
Stuart Bernstein
Nancy Brinker
Frank Lavin
Ron Weiser
Mel Sembler
Martin Silverstein
Lincoln Bloomfield
Jay Lefkowitz
Ken Melman
Brad Blakeman
“Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She said ‘You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel.”
Jews in Congress
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.)
Carl Levin (D-Mich.)
Al Franken (D-Minn.)
Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)
Arlen Specter (R-Pa.)
Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.)
Herb Kohl (D-Wisc.)
Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD)
Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
Jews in the House of Representatives
Howard Berman (D-Calif.)
Susan Davis (D-Calif.)
Bob Filner (D-Calif.)
Jane Harman (D-Calif.)
Jackie Speier (D-Calif.)
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)
Brad Sherman (D-Calif.)
Howard Waxman (D-Calif.)
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla.)
Robert Wexler (D-Fla.)
Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.)
Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)
Ben Cardin (D-Md.)
Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
Sander Levin (D-Mich.)
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.)
Steve Rothman (D-N.J.)
Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.)
Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.)
Steve Israel (D-N.Y.)
Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.)
Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.)
Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)
Martin Frost (D-Texas)
Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
Bernard (Barney) Sanders (Ind-Vt.)
Stephen Cohen (D-NH)
Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)
Paul Hodes (D-NH)
Steve Kagen (D-WI)
Ronald Klein (D-FL)
John Yarmuth (D-KY).
Jews in Bush's administration
Richard Perle
Paul Wolfowitz
Douglas Feith
Edward Luttwak
Henry Kissinger
Dov Zakheim
Kenneth Adelman
I. Lewis Libby
Robert Satloff
Elliott Abrams
Marc Grossman
Richard Haass
Robert Zoellick
Ari Fleischer
James Schlesinger
David Frum
Joshua Bolten
John Bolton
David Wurmser
Eliot Cohen
Mel Sembler
Michael Chertoff
Steve Goldsmith
Adam Goldman
Joseph Gildenhorn
Christopher Gersten
Mark Weinberger
Samuel Bodman
Bonnie Cohn
Ruth Davis
Daniel Kurtzer
Cliff Sobel
Stuart Bernstein
Nancy Brinker
Frank Lavin
Ron Weiser
Mel Sembler
Martin Silverstein
Lincoln Bloomfield
Jay Lefkowitz
Ken Melman
Brad Blakeman
So it's made up, huh?
I've heard comments that these things I speak of are made up, hmmm!
OK, so I'll be starting a little series, of the progression of this ordeal, with documented facts including documents, photos (maybe I'll share some video?) , emails, etc. to support each and every claim. Beginning with two of the very first contacts made from www.ballardspahr.com, one of the largest Jewish law firms in the nation and the basis of my initial claim. I have x'd out the email addresses to protect them; here we go:
Re: robbinsjewelers.com
Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:34 PM
"Jose Ramirez"
Add sender to Contacts
Dear Mr. Peirce:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your written
communication today May 06,2005 in reference to the
domain name robbinsjewelers.com.
A written reply was mailed out to you immediately
today, May 06, 2005.
With regards to email communications, no explicitly
identifiable email from your law firm has been
received at joseramirez_1@yahoo.com. Due to todays
internet security risks, any email with an attachment
from an unknown source is automatically deleted by me.
This obviously to protect myself from viruses
contained within attachment and phishing scams.
Therefore any future email communication to this email
address should be clearly identifiable with your law
firms identity, including headers and be written in
plain text with no attachments.
Jose Ramirez
Do you Yahoo!?
Make Yahoo! your home page
RE: Robbinsjewelers.com
Monday, August 1, 2005 2:54 PM
"Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)"
Add sender to Contacts
"Jose Ramirez"
Mr. Ramirez:
You indicated in your previous email that you were not in the "business of selling or transacting domain name properties." As such, we are curious how you came to the conclusion that our offer is not serious. We believe it is very serious and well in excess of the registration cost you originally paid for the domain name.
If you have a counter-offer in mind, please make it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Ramirez [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 8:55 AM
To: Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)
Subject: RE: Robbinsjewelers.com
Mr. Peirce:
Please contact me when your client is ready to make a
serious offer.
Jose Ramirez
--- "Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)"
> Mr. Ramirez: We have not received a response to our
> last email. We look forward to your prompt
> response.
> Richard E. Peirce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)
> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 6:55 PM
> To: 'Jose Ramirez'
> Subject: RE: Robbinsjewelers.com
> Mr. Ramirez:
> Our client has authorized us to offer $300(U.S.) for
> the transfer of the robbinsjewelers.com domain name.
> Please let us know if you accept so that we can
> arrange for the transfer.
> Richard E. Peirce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jose Ramirez [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:25 PM
> To: Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)
> Subject: Re: Robbinsjewelers.com
> Dear Mr. Peirce:
> I am not currently in the business of selling or
> transacting domain name properties.
> Considering your clients interest for the domain
> name
> property and your proposal on their behalf, I would
> accept a fair market value offer for the domain name
> property.
> Please forward your clients proposed offer amount
> for
> consideration.
> Sincerely,
> Jose Ramirez
> --- "Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)"
> wrote:
> >
> > Our File: 043097
> >
> > Dear Mr. Ramirez:
> > This responds to your letter of May 6, 2005.
> >
> > We have reviewed the content of your May 6, 2005
> > letter. While we are not persuaded by the defenses
> > you have raised, and note that many of them are
> > irrelevant in domain name disputes under ICANN,
> our
> > client is open to discussing an amicable solution
> if
> > possible.
> >
> > We are aware that at some point in the past, you
> > approached our client with an interest in selling
> > the robbinsjewelers.com domain name. If you are
> > still interesting in selling the domain name,
> please
> > provide us with a reasonable asking price.
> >
> > Any offer of compromise is without prejudice to
> any
> > further action, without further notice to you,
> that
> > may be taken on behalf of our client in the event
> > that further action is deemed necessary to protect
> > our client's trademark and trade names rights.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> >
> > Richard E. Peirce
> >
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
OK, so I'll be starting a little series, of the progression of this ordeal, with documented facts including documents, photos (maybe I'll share some video?) , emails, etc. to support each and every claim. Beginning with two of the very first contacts made from www.ballardspahr.com, one of the largest Jewish law firms in the nation and the basis of my initial claim. I have x'd out the email addresses to protect them; here we go:
Re: robbinsjewelers.com
Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:34 PM
"Jose Ramirez"
Add sender to Contacts
Dear Mr. Peirce:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your written
communication today May 06,2005 in reference to the
domain name robbinsjewelers.com.
A written reply was mailed out to you immediately
today, May 06, 2005.
With regards to email communications, no explicitly
identifiable email from your law firm has been
received at joseramirez_1@yahoo.com. Due to todays
internet security risks, any email with an attachment
from an unknown source is automatically deleted by me.
This obviously to protect myself from viruses
contained within attachment and phishing scams.
Therefore any future email communication to this email
address should be clearly identifiable with your law
firms identity, including headers and be written in
plain text with no attachments.
Jose Ramirez
Do you Yahoo!?
Make Yahoo! your home page
RE: Robbinsjewelers.com
Monday, August 1, 2005 2:54 PM
"Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)"
Add sender to Contacts
"Jose Ramirez"
Mr. Ramirez:
You indicated in your previous email that you were not in the "business of selling or transacting domain name properties." As such, we are curious how you came to the conclusion that our offer is not serious. We believe it is very serious and well in excess of the registration cost you originally paid for the domain name.
If you have a counter-offer in mind, please make it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Ramirez [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 8:55 AM
To: Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)
Subject: RE: Robbinsjewelers.com
Mr. Peirce:
Please contact me when your client is ready to make a
serious offer.
Jose Ramirez
--- "Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)"
> Mr. Ramirez: We have not received a response to our
> last email. We look forward to your prompt
> response.
> Richard E. Peirce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)
> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 6:55 PM
> To: 'Jose Ramirez'
> Subject: RE: Robbinsjewelers.com
> Mr. Ramirez:
> Our client has authorized us to offer $300(U.S.) for
> the transfer of the robbinsjewelers.com domain name.
> Please let us know if you accept so that we can
> arrange for the transfer.
> Richard E. Peirce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jose Ramirez [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:25 PM
> To: Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)
> Subject: Re: Robbinsjewelers.com
> Dear Mr. Peirce:
> I am not currently in the business of selling or
> transacting domain name properties.
> Considering your clients interest for the domain
> name
> property and your proposal on their behalf, I would
> accept a fair market value offer for the domain name
> property.
> Please forward your clients proposed offer amount
> for
> consideration.
> Sincerely,
> Jose Ramirez
> --- "Peirce, Richard E. (Phila)"
> >
> > Our File: 043097
> >
> > Dear Mr. Ramirez:
> > This responds to your letter of May 6, 2005.
> >
> > We have reviewed the content of your May 6, 2005
> > letter. While we are not persuaded by the defenses
> > you have raised, and note that many of them are
> > irrelevant in domain name disputes under ICANN,
> our
> > client is open to discussing an amicable solution
> if
> > possible.
> >
> > We are aware that at some point in the past, you
> > approached our client with an interest in selling
> > the robbinsjewelers.com domain name. If you are
> > still interesting in selling the domain name,
> please
> > provide us with a reasonable asking price.
> >
> > Any offer of compromise is without prejudice to
> any
> > further action, without further notice to you,
> that
> > may be taken on behalf of our client in the event
> > that further action is deemed necessary to protect
> > our client's trademark and trade names rights.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> >
> > Richard E. Peirce
> >
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Next Up: Character Assassination
Disclaimer: As most previous post are based on fact; this post however is based more on a hypothetical construct.
After all other strategies to demean and denigrate my person have failed; like guilt by association, smearing, rumor mongering, etc. The next step would be character assassination in which they will try and create a negative persona. Not that they are inexperienced at this; since the time before Christ, as documented in the Old and New Testament, they are masters at it.
The objective would be to try and do the following:
After all other strategies to demean and denigrate my person have failed; like guilt by association, smearing, rumor mongering, etc. The next step would be character assassination in which they will try and create a negative persona. Not that they are inexperienced at this; since the time before Christ, as documented in the Old and New Testament, they are masters at it.
The objective would be to try and do the following:
- Create ill will and negative attitudes towards my person,
- Which could lead to verbal and/or physical attacks on my person,
- Which could then lead to confrontations,
- Which could then lead to legal consequences.
- Make false accusations and try to make them stick.
- Create a "Domino Effect" whereby they would hope that a series of the above actions would eventually get me into some kind of trouble.
Let's Out Them, The Collaborators #1
Collaborators and other its: Eric Mencher, Ex-Daily News Photographer and Reporter, so he tells me, every time I run into him he's always asking about my photographs. How I save them and how and where and on what I store them, annoying. Especially knowing how crooked he and his wife are.
Lately he has come around Rittenhouse Sq. and intentionally runs into me, I guess he is trying to set something up. The other day he was insisting that I sit on the bench with him, I politely declined. Then he was patting his little fagot purse for some strange reason.
He gave me this whole story about how he is unemployed now and some other bullshit.
Lately he has come around Rittenhouse Sq. and intentionally runs into me, I guess he is trying to set something up. The other day he was insisting that I sit on the bench with him, I politely declined. Then he was patting his little fagot purse for some strange reason.
He gave me this whole story about how he is unemployed now and some other bullshit.
The Frame Continues
They don't want peace or compromise,they only want to destroy; like is their history.
But I'll tell you this: I'm not afraid of you or your cronies, you know like the ones at Rittenhouse Sq., that pretend to be your friend, only so they can spy and or set you up. Or, like the one that keeps inviting me to remote places in North Philly, South Philly and West Philly, I guess so they can whack me.
But I'll tell you this: I'm not afraid of you or your cronies, you know like the ones at Rittenhouse Sq., that pretend to be your friend, only so they can spy and or set you up. Or, like the one that keeps inviting me to remote places in North Philly, South Philly and West Philly, I guess so they can whack me.
Yesterday evening I'm at Rittenhouse Square and this young man approaches me and starts to harass me about some John Nicholson photos I took, as well as other info.
Don't know this guy from jack. The above info was only privy to a couple of Philadelphians, a worker from the DA's office and a freelance photographer from Getty Images, so I know the source now.
I blow this guy off and tell him to get out of my face, he becomes disheveled... I'll continue in a moment, but first...
I use to be a Social Worker and I can read people at a glance. This guy has a wrinkled designer dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, shorts one or two two sizes too big, no, not like over sized designer shorts; colored dress socks with sneakers and his hair was about 3/4 inch without being trimmed, like if he just got out of the joint or some rat hole. And, he has rotted teeth, you know like a crack head, meth freak or a heroin junky. He's smoking anxiously, like if he can wait 'till its over so he can get his ten or twenty dollars, so he can get his next fix.
To continue, so then he runs to this high end red sedan and he talks to this guy driving it, like complaining that things didn't go exactly as expected. Something a crackhead would do, becoming disheveled by the unexpected. So the guy in the sedan rides around the block and the guy slowly slinks behind me and over to the newspaper bins. When the guy in the red sedan returns and parks his car, he continues to harass me, but I've already taken my pictures and leave.
Not new, they've done this before, with unfortunate souls who'll take a few bucks and follow their instructions. Like the guy above who was instructed, as well as, provided with information that was only available to a couple of people.
On the Jack Nicolson photos, who didn't take his photo while filming at the Widner Building at South Broad Street.
I'll continue this later....
Don't know this guy from jack. The above info was only privy to a couple of Philadelphians, a worker from the DA's office and a freelance photographer from Getty Images, so I know the source now.
I blow this guy off and tell him to get out of my face, he becomes disheveled... I'll continue in a moment, but first...
I use to be a Social Worker and I can read people at a glance. This guy has a wrinkled designer dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, shorts one or two two sizes too big, no, not like over sized designer shorts; colored dress socks with sneakers and his hair was about 3/4 inch without being trimmed, like if he just got out of the joint or some rat hole. And, he has rotted teeth, you know like a crack head, meth freak or a heroin junky. He's smoking anxiously, like if he can wait 'till its over so he can get his ten or twenty dollars, so he can get his next fix.
To continue, so then he runs to this high end red sedan and he talks to this guy driving it, like complaining that things didn't go exactly as expected. Something a crackhead would do, becoming disheveled by the unexpected. So the guy in the sedan rides around the block and the guy slowly slinks behind me and over to the newspaper bins. When the guy in the red sedan returns and parks his car, he continues to harass me, but I've already taken my pictures and leave.
Not new, they've done this before, with unfortunate souls who'll take a few bucks and follow their instructions. Like the guy above who was instructed, as well as, provided with information that was only available to a couple of people.
On the Jack Nicolson photos, who didn't take his photo while filming at the Widner Building at South Broad Street.
I'll continue this later....
Lackey Photos
Lackey's should not make threats in front of a camera, especially looking directly at the photographer.
With hand formed like a gun and pointed directly to the head; like, yeah we're going to shoot you in the head, while looking directly at me.
You know who I mean; designer Red T-Shirt, diamond shaped earrings, probably glass; and the Tan Sedan lookout in front of Macy's, with Plate Number... I'd post the pics but wasn't allowed. They would make nice 8 X 10's or wanted posters.
Remember this, I was raised on the streets of Philly and was alongside ZULU before you were even thought of. And, when I decided to go to college I graduated Magna Cum Laude.
That's how I'm going to get you, through you're lackey's; everybody sings under the right circumstances.
So I can read you!!!
With hand formed like a gun and pointed directly to the head; like, yeah we're going to shoot you in the head, while looking directly at me.
You know who I mean; designer Red T-Shirt, diamond shaped earrings, probably glass; and the Tan Sedan lookout in front of Macy's, with Plate Number... I'd post the pics but wasn't allowed. They would make nice 8 X 10's or wanted posters.
Remember this, I was raised on the streets of Philly and was alongside ZULU before you were even thought of. And, when I decided to go to college I graduated Magna Cum Laude.
That's how I'm going to get you, through you're lackey's; everybody sings under the right circumstances.
So I can read you!!!
The Lackeys Again
Today I was harrassed and bumped by a large african-american male down at Penn's Landing; no reason whatsoever, one of their lackies. This is not new, last summer and the summer before that the same thing happened. Usually other homeless men, whom I suspect are given a few bucks to try and provoke a confrontation since there is nothing on me. Trying to get the upper hand somehow, and since they won't do it themselves; though they have tried before and currently at the boarding home. They try that is which is not directly linked to them.
The funny thing is how I don't hang out with anyone and out of the blue these people show up trying to provoke something. Last year it was this large spanish homeless guy who would always say I stole his blanket.
The year before that, it was another african-american male, with some other bullshit.
Update: Yeah, And, the guy at Gallery Mall!
The funny thing is how I don't hang out with anyone and out of the blue these people show up trying to provoke something. Last year it was this large spanish homeless guy who would always say I stole his blanket.
The year before that, it was another african-american male, with some other bullshit.
Update: Yeah, And, the guy at Gallery Mall!
Withholding Knowledge As A Weapon
So the Philadelphia North East Regional Library is at it again, denying me access to books, as they had previously attempted and failed, and which I had previously posted about.
This time I ordered a book through the Inter Library Loan System, the Central Library released the book on Wednesday the 8th (eight days ago) and this library (Philadelphia North East Regional Library) claims they haven't received the book and that they have not had any deliveries. Lies, lies, lies; two deliveries alone that I know about: Thursday, April the 9th, which I witnessed personally and Tuesday, April the 14th in which they received a delivery of Inter Library Loans. They have offered excuses of broken trucks and no deliveries, but they are lies.
An Inter Library Loan is a book obtained outside the Public Library System and is only allowed for approximately 21 days from the date it is released by the Central Library. So I guess, the strategy is to delay the delivery of the book as long as possible, as the book is due on May 1st, so that I don't have much time to read it. The book is 400 pages long.
Also, I have requested another book from within the Library System, from another branch, which also has not shown up. It was requested over a week ago also.
The Nazi's and Fascist's prohibited their populations from gaining knowledge also. They would ban, burn and destroy books. As well as, horde books for their own reading.
Retaliation, fear of a little competition for their protected bourgeoisie artist or just plain evil, anybodies guess!
This is just another example of how they control the flow and dissemination of information. The media being another easy example.
This time I ordered a book through the Inter Library Loan System, the Central Library released the book on Wednesday the 8th (eight days ago) and this library (Philadelphia North East Regional Library) claims they haven't received the book and that they have not had any deliveries. Lies, lies, lies; two deliveries alone that I know about: Thursday, April the 9th, which I witnessed personally and Tuesday, April the 14th in which they received a delivery of Inter Library Loans. They have offered excuses of broken trucks and no deliveries, but they are lies.
An Inter Library Loan is a book obtained outside the Public Library System and is only allowed for approximately 21 days from the date it is released by the Central Library. So I guess, the strategy is to delay the delivery of the book as long as possible, as the book is due on May 1st, so that I don't have much time to read it. The book is 400 pages long.
Also, I have requested another book from within the Library System, from another branch, which also has not shown up. It was requested over a week ago also.
The Nazi's and Fascist's prohibited their populations from gaining knowledge also. They would ban, burn and destroy books. As well as, horde books for their own reading.
Retaliation, fear of a little competition for their protected bourgeoisie artist or just plain evil, anybodies guess!
This is just another example of how they control the flow and dissemination of information. The media being another easy example.
40 Billion Dollars in US Aide to israel while your American children starve
I Don't Want To Be Paid
So after being homeless for another round of about eight months, I finally obtained a room at a boarding home for men. Unknown to me the owner or manager is Jewish. Not that it matters to me, it's just a business transaction. So, anyway I spoke with them and agreed to rent the room for a weekly rate. I also offered to mail the payment, which was rejected.
The manager states that they would only accept cash and then didn't want to provide a receipt, I needed one for my state paid medicaid benefits so reluctantly they provided one, which turns out to be a legally binding written rental contract.
The manager states that they will collect the weekly rent due on Sunday nights which I agree to and states that occasionally they might not be able to pick it up on Sundays and will make arrangements for another day when that is the case. I state that I can leave it on the top of the bureau. However, after being there a couple of days I notice the door has been knifed many times and it might not be secure to do the same.
When the rent was due they didn't show up, so I called, and when they came to pick up the rent due, I pay by money order, the manager raised some objections and stated that they have never dealt with a money order. A little bit incredible in this day and age. Anyway, I use money orders because it provides tracking, verification of payment, and date of payment; no silly game issues, if you know what I mean.
The following week they picked up the payment. The week after that they don't show up to pick up the payment , I call and there is no response. The following day I call again and still no response. Then I finally get a return message and I call and they agree to pick it up on Saturday, all the while being very antagonizing on the phone. I state that I'll also include the following weeks payment so they don't have to come twice.
When they show up there is all this gibberish about how it is so difficult to pick up the payment and how I didn't have my payment on time; when they are not picking it up on time, as it was there to be picked up. That's where the money order comes in, as it has the date printed on it when it was issued. They didn't even come in to pick up the payment, I guess after that nastiness on the phone, so I had to take it out to their vehicle. Anyway, they are being very antagonizing, as to try and create a problem, but as usual I always maintain my cool when I need to, that's my calling card.
So, the manager tries to explain to me how difficult it is to make it out on Sunday nights, after that being the original agreement. So I state well just leave a message when you're going to pick it up. However they continue to make it difficult. I state, well can't you know in the morning when you wake up if your going to be able to pick it up and they state that it is not possible for them to know. What kind of life, huh!
So anyway, they get all kinds of rowdy/routy. I mention to them the issue about the door being knifed and they state and reiterate that it is safe to leave the money order on the top of the bureau and how they know everyone there and bla bla bla . I state if the money order where to disappear I would be out he weeks payment to which they say nothing and continue to get more antagonizing and rowdy/routy.
Since then, they don't show up, like if avoiding being served papers, my payment that is; so as to have an possible excuse to leave me homeless again?
So that's where things are and we'll see how thing work out.
The manager states that they would only accept cash and then didn't want to provide a receipt, I needed one for my state paid medicaid benefits so reluctantly they provided one, which turns out to be a legally binding written rental contract.
The manager states that they will collect the weekly rent due on Sunday nights which I agree to and states that occasionally they might not be able to pick it up on Sundays and will make arrangements for another day when that is the case. I state that I can leave it on the top of the bureau. However, after being there a couple of days I notice the door has been knifed many times and it might not be secure to do the same.
When the rent was due they didn't show up, so I called, and when they came to pick up the rent due, I pay by money order, the manager raised some objections and stated that they have never dealt with a money order. A little bit incredible in this day and age. Anyway, I use money orders because it provides tracking, verification of payment, and date of payment; no silly game issues, if you know what I mean.
The following week they picked up the payment. The week after that they don't show up to pick up the payment , I call and there is no response. The following day I call again and still no response. Then I finally get a return message and I call and they agree to pick it up on Saturday, all the while being very antagonizing on the phone. I state that I'll also include the following weeks payment so they don't have to come twice.
When they show up there is all this gibberish about how it is so difficult to pick up the payment and how I didn't have my payment on time; when they are not picking it up on time, as it was there to be picked up. That's where the money order comes in, as it has the date printed on it when it was issued. They didn't even come in to pick up the payment, I guess after that nastiness on the phone, so I had to take it out to their vehicle. Anyway, they are being very antagonizing, as to try and create a problem, but as usual I always maintain my cool when I need to, that's my calling card.
So, the manager tries to explain to me how difficult it is to make it out on Sunday nights, after that being the original agreement. So I state well just leave a message when you're going to pick it up. However they continue to make it difficult. I state, well can't you know in the morning when you wake up if your going to be able to pick it up and they state that it is not possible for them to know. What kind of life, huh!
So anyway, they get all kinds of rowdy/routy. I mention to them the issue about the door being knifed and they state and reiterate that it is safe to leave the money order on the top of the bureau and how they know everyone there and bla bla bla . I state if the money order where to disappear I would be out he weeks payment to which they say nothing and continue to get more antagonizing and rowdy/routy.
Since then, they don't show up, like if avoiding being served papers, my payment that is; so as to have an possible excuse to leave me homeless again?
So that's where things are and we'll see how thing work out.
The Straw that Broke the Camels' Back
In all my years as a Philadelphia library member I have never returned a book late, had any penalties or fees, and have never failed to respond to any communications from the same.
Yet, yesterday, 02/12/09, I was checked for current phone and address, like a spot check, and was denied a book checkout. I wonder if this was a general measure being taken on this day or was I singled out for whatever reason. I presented rent receipts of current address which were not accepted and they did the best they could to deny me any further services. I returned later with a hand written legal rental contract which was questioned but accepted. And the expression on the faces was that of disappointment on a failed attempt to suspend or terminate my library services.
I guess or suspect that either, they want to prevent me from posting to this blog and/or prevent furthering my photography knowledge or both.
It reminds me of an incident last year at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, where upon checking out a rare photography publication by one of the old masters, who happens to be Jewish and whom I admire very much, the clerk lashes out at me with the following comment: "He's Jewish!", like if I had some kind of problem with Jewish people and I shouldn't be reading, referencing and/or gaining knowledge by Jewish authors.
The thing is, I didn't know this individual from Jack and I was bewildered by his comment, but apparently he knew about me. This incident occurred after being in Albuquerque, NM for about three weeks. And, I will eventually be posting about my experience there and how it relates to this whole situation.
Anyway, here I am posting. And, now I'm tired of all this BS and am going to "Spill the Beans", as they say, and will be posting everyday to tell my story. I have tried to be conciliatory to no avail.
Yet, yesterday, 02/12/09, I was checked for current phone and address, like a spot check, and was denied a book checkout. I wonder if this was a general measure being taken on this day or was I singled out for whatever reason. I presented rent receipts of current address which were not accepted and they did the best they could to deny me any further services. I returned later with a hand written legal rental contract which was questioned but accepted. And the expression on the faces was that of disappointment on a failed attempt to suspend or terminate my library services.
I guess or suspect that either, they want to prevent me from posting to this blog and/or prevent furthering my photography knowledge or both.
It reminds me of an incident last year at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, where upon checking out a rare photography publication by one of the old masters, who happens to be Jewish and whom I admire very much, the clerk lashes out at me with the following comment: "He's Jewish!", like if I had some kind of problem with Jewish people and I shouldn't be reading, referencing and/or gaining knowledge by Jewish authors.
The thing is, I didn't know this individual from Jack and I was bewildered by his comment, but apparently he knew about me. This incident occurred after being in Albuquerque, NM for about three weeks. And, I will eventually be posting about my experience there and how it relates to this whole situation.
Anyway, here I am posting. And, now I'm tired of all this BS and am going to "Spill the Beans", as they say, and will be posting everyday to tell my story. I have tried to be conciliatory to no avail.
About My Ego
Let's start with that governments' official reference to "rift-raft"; let me respond with this: I'm better educated than you, I have more cultural depth than you and you couldn't even approach me in as far as intellectual musings. So keep your comments circumscribed to your own social group where those types of comments have relevance by social class, educational level and so forth.
As far as my ego is concerned it's fully intact and well balanced along with my id and super-ego. I know exactly where my moral values lie and have some, which is more than I can say for most of you involved in this activity.
As far as my ego is concerned it's fully intact and well balanced along with my id and super-ego. I know exactly where my moral values lie and have some, which is more than I can say for most of you involved in this activity.
The Underage But Looks So Mature Girlie
So these cute young girlies flirt with you and you wonder why? I'm such an old geezer with no money or anything else for that matter! But suppose that it's a girlie that looks older than 18 or 21 or whatever, but their really underage; so you take a shot, BUSTED!!!!!!!
Guilt By Association
Guilt By Association, Oh yes, a tried and true method, unless your very accutely aware of it! There are various styles, some involving people and others like locations and items. Let's explore the first of these:
- You have these individuals approach you and try to befriend you, they try so hard it's obvious they've been put up to it. So, no matter how many times you reject them, they keep coming back for more. Not to mention the fact that their drug addicts, ex-convicts and even foreign elements (lest you be labeled, if you know what I mean).
- Then there is the location and item style, where a place you frequent is conveniently trashed and/or seeded with disgusting items to make it look like you've done the deed.
In a public restroom I had this individual once, just blatantly creating a scene by throwing water and soap on the floor next to me with no reservations and then just left. WOW!
The Starbucks Lounge Early Closure
Ok, so I arrive at Starbucks on 4th and South at about 9:30 P.M. on Friday, 01/09/09 and I ask what time the upstairs lounge closes? The response is at 11:00 P.M., so I buy my coffee and head upstairs and began reading a photography book. OK, it's now 10:20 P.M. and one of the employees shows up indicating that the lounge will be closing in five minutes. The reason I had asked what time the lounge was closing was, because the previous night a similiar event occurred where the lounge was closed earlier than usual. Go figure!
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