"The israeli occupation forces have killed around 2,000 Palestinian children since September 2000". The figure was provided by Defence of Children International.
Franco tiradores israelíes en la frontera con Gaza disparan a Niños Palestinos. -------- Snipers stationed along israel’s boundary with Gaza shoot at children.
In israel you don't have to be guilty of anything to be shot dead. Especially if your a child. An israeli general has confirmed that when snipers stationed along israel’s boundary with Gaza shoot at children, they are doing so deliberately, under clear and specific orders. "anyone who could be a future threat to the border of the State of israel and its residents, should bear a price for that violation.” “His punishment is death,” the general responds. https://bit.ly/2K9CFbu
Future Crime - An israeli general has confirmed that when snipers stationed along israel’s boundary with Gaza shoot at children, they are doing so deliberately, under clear and specific orders. https://bit.ly/2K9CFbu
Future Crime - israeli general has confirmed "anyone who could be a FUTURE THREAT to the border of the state of israel and its residents, should bear a price for that violation.” “His punishment is death,” the general responds. https://bit.ly/2K9CFbu
judio (soldado israeli) se jacta de haber asesinado 13 Niños Palestinios en un solo día
An Instagram post by an israel Defense Forces sniper boasts of murdering 13 Gazan children in one day. An IDF Combat Engineering Corps Soldier, specifically, David D. Ovadia posed with a Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle.
Ovadia posted his comments on the Instagram account of Palestinian Sherrii ElKaderi. The image was quickly screen captured in case Ovadia came to his senses and realized that he could be prosecuted for his admission of war crimes.
Revelations 2:9 The Synagogue Of Satan 'I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. https://tinyurl.com/ybjyc53o
judios cortan los arboles de olivo - aceitunas de los Palestinos - Apocalipsis 2:9 La Synogaga de Satanás
judios cortan los arboles de olivo - aceitunas de los Palestinos para quitarles ingresos y luego robarle los terreno.
Hasta el momento han destruido mas de un millón de los arboles de olivo - aceitunas de las fincas de los palestinos y se han robado mucho terreno.
Apocalipsis 2:9 La Synogaga de Satanás
Conozco tus sufrimientos y tu pobreza. ¡Sin embargo, eres rico! Sé cómo te calumnian (y sé la blasfemia de) los que dicen ser judíos, pero que, en realidad, no son más que una sinagoga de Satanás.
Conozco tu sufrimiento y tu pobreza, aunque en realidad eres muy rico. También sé lo mal que hablan de ti los que se dicen ser judíos y no lo son. Ellos no son verdaderos judíos, sino una sinagoga al servicio de Satanás.
Prominent rabbi convicted of sexual molestation and rape, sex offender
M. was taken to Berland’s house almost every night during the course of a year and would wait to be called into his office where he would allegedly commit indecent assaults against her.
The rabbi would ... take advantage of the meetings and of his position in the community to engage in sexual acts with women, including minors, according to the charges against him.

Berland was sentenced to 18 months incarceration for his sexual attacks on two women, as well as his instructions to assault the husband of one of the women he sexually assaulted.
Rabbi Yisroel Kleinman removed amid child molestation accusations

Prosecutors continue to investigate accusations that he sexually assaulted a little girl for over a year, the Daily News has learned.
israel celbrates yom kipur by shooting 15 yr old boy in head
israel celebrates yom kipur by shooting 15 yr old boy in head and killing him! AP https://bit.ly/2xCe9dv Al Jazeera https://bit.ly/2QGKjxn . Children are purposefully targeted for execution by israeli snipers states israeli general, https://bit.ly/2K9CFbu .
Colonos judíos destruyen tumbas Palestinas que son testimonio de sus crímenes de guerra - israeli Forces Destroy Parts of Palestinian Cemetery in Jerusalem
judíos se roban viviendas de Palestinos en asentamientos israelíes
Los robos y saqueos, son parte de la vivencia diaria de los Palestinos. Los soldados de ocupación, dueños absolutos del orden, en una región donde no existen las leyes ni las normas de ética, hacen y deshacen.
More jew Criminals Convicted
CBS to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against CEO Leslie Moonves
Another powerful jew accused of sexual misconduct. Leslie Moonves, media mogul and CEO of CBS entertainment and publishing company was accused by six women of sexual misconduct.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accused of sexual assault
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been accused by a former journalist of sexually assaulting her two decades ago.
“Olmert pushed me against the wall, whispering and licking my ear,” she said at a lecture over the weekend.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is fighting new allegations of corruption from the Israeli police that have led to calls for his resignation.
Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was charged with fraud on Thursday for allegedly misusing over $100,000 in public funds...
Temple Fraternity President Ari Goldstein In Court For Preliminary Hearing On Sex Assault Charges
Temple Fraternity President Ari Goldstein In Court For Preliminary Hearing On Sex Assault Charges:
Ari Goldstein, 21, was reportedly taken into custody on May 13 at Boston Logan International Airport and also charged with indecent assault, simple assault, unlawful restraint and false imprisonment.
Goldstein is accused of trying to force a 19-year-old woman to perform sex acts as he pinned her down in his bedroom at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house. He allegedly told her to “shush” as she was crying, according to court documents obtained by the Philly Inquirer. She was reportedly able to escape.
A former president of a Jewish fraternity at Temple University in Philadelphia was charged with attempting to commit rape and was arrested at the airport on his way to Israel for a Birthright trip, the Jewish Exponent reported.
Goldstein is accused of trying to force a 19-year-old woman to perform sex acts as he pinned her down in his bedroom at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house. He allegedly told her to “shush” as she was crying, according to court documents obtained by the Philly Inquirer. She was reportedly able to escape.
Read more: https://forward.com/fast-forward/401772/attempted-rapist-and-former-temple-aepi-president-arrested-on-way-to/
Goldstein is accused of trying to force a 19-year-old woman to perform sex acts as he pinned her down in his bedroom at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house. He allegedly told her to “shush” as she was crying, according to court documents obtained by the Philly Inquirer. She was reportedly able to escape.
Read more: https://forward.com/fast-forward/401772/attempted-rapist-and-former-temple-aepi-president-arrested-on-way-to/
Goldstein is accused of trying to force a 19-year-old woman to perform sex acts as he pinned her down in his bedroom at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house. He allegedly told her to “shush” as she was crying, according to court documents obtained by the Philly Inquirer. She was reportedly able to escape.
Read more: https://forward.com/fast-forward/401772/attempted-rapist-and-former-temple-aepi-president-arrested-on-way-to/
Goldstein is accused of trying to force a 19-year-old woman to perform sex acts as he pinned her down in his bedroom at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house. He allegedly told her to “shush” as she was crying, according to court documents obtained by the Philly Inquirer. She was reportedly able to escape.
Read more: https://forward.com/fast-forward/401772/attempted-rapist-and-former-temple-aepi-president-arrested-on-way-to/
Goldstein is accused of trying to force a 19-year-old woman to perform sex acts as he pinned her down in his bedroom at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house. He allegedly told her to “shush” as she was crying, according to court documents obtained by the Philly Inquirer. She was reportedly able to escape.
Read more: https://forward.com/fast-forward/401772/attempted-rapist-and-former-temple-aepi-president-arrested-on-way-to/
Goldstein is accused of trying to force a 19-year-old woman to perform sex acts as he pinned her down in his bedroom at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house. He allegedly told her to “shush” as she was crying, according to court documents obtained by the Philly Inquirer. She was reportedly able to escape.
Read more: https://forward.com/fast-forward/401772/attempted-rapist-and-former-temple-aepi-president-arrested-on-way-to/
New York Eric Schneiderman, attorney general resigns amid physical abuse allegations
Synagogue, Jewish school dismiss Baltimore rabbi Steven(Shmuel) Krawatsky over sexual molestation charges
A day after The Jewish Week published an investigative report on allegations that a popular rabbi in the Baltimore orthodox community had sexually abused three boys, ages 7 and 8 at a jewish day camp, two summers ago, his primary employer, the Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School terminated Rabbi Steven (Shmuel) Krawatsky with molestation allegations against rabbi.
Rabbi, 2 others arrested for prostitution, human trafficking of minor
Three people, including a New Jersey rabbi, are facing charges in connection with the human trafficking and prostitution of a teenage girl.